Thursday, January 3, 2008

It's a New Year

That means lots of new opportunities lie ahead for us. This year I believe that it will be possible to reach a number of people with the warnings about Lupus. I'm hopeful that my family and I can put together a couple of extra fundraisers this year to really make the November event even better than it was last year. Yes, it's still early in the year but that's never a reason to put off getting the word out.

A local magazine here in our town recently did an article on women living with lupus. I didn't think that there would be much about the disease information-wise going on here. Yet, they did an article on lupus! There really isn't much going on here in the way of getting information out there about the disease. People do know the name of the disease but they don't understand really what it is and how it affects those who live with it. Therefore, seeing the article made me happy. Now readers can see that the disease affects different people. It's not just something that they read about, not knowing the human side of the disease. Maybe the newspaper will pick up the article and do a series on lupus. That would be awesome!

There are still plenty of bracelets left in anyone is interested. I do believe that my family is trying to get some more things in the works and I'll post the information as I can get it. The bracelets are only $2 a piece. Please use the contact information on the right side of the blog if interested in ordering.

Hope everyone has a great new year.
Stay safe and healthy,

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